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Dead & Co @ LV Sphere ⚡️💀🌈 Sound Design
July 10, 2024

It's been 'a trip' to help blow 17,000 minds a night by crafting sound design for this incredible project at The Sphere in Las Vegas. ⚡️💀🌈 "Dead and Company: Dead Forever" is a 30-date concert series with The Grateful Dead and John Mayer at arguably the most awe-inspiring concert venue on earth. We were asked by Treatment Studio to create and implement sound design for the show, which involved spending several days on site in Las Vegas, working with John Mayer and the incredible sound crew at The Sphere. We enlisted our sound design aces at Source Sound for the whole ride. You can read about the project in these in-depth LA Times and New Yorker articles.

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Tune in  ///////  Isolation radio station
Tune in  ///////  Isolation radio station
Tune in  ///////  Isolation radio station
Tune in  ///////  Isolation radio station